Enfoque y alcances

Estudios sobre las Culturas Contemporáneass is an academic journal, published biannually and with open access, with the objective of publishing original research works or theoretical and methodological reflection in relation to contemporary culture.

The scientific articles, essays and reviews that are submitted for review for possible publication must explicitly address the problem of culture from any point of view: historical, sociological, anthropological, psychological, semiotic, philosophical and, in its capacity as a refereed journal, accepted articles are evaluated under a double-blind system.

The efforts of Estudios sobre las Culturas Contemporáneas serve and are aimed at supporting the work of the academic community whose lines of research and interest encompass Cultural Studies. Its main audience is made up of people involved in research and teaching, as well as students with an interest in analyzing, studying and reflecting on such problems.

ESCC recognizes and adheres to the principles of transparency and best practices for academic publishing promoted by the Committee on Publication Ethics / COPE and by the Directory of Open Access Journals / DOAJ to ensure the quality of the editorial process and the authenticity of the publications.

It is a member of the following indices and databases: Redalyc; DOAJ; Dialnet; CLACSO; EBSCO; LatAm Plus; Latindex; Latin American Citations in Social Sciences and Humanities/CLASS, among others.