Even if the branch bends, it returns to its place:

Changes in masculinities of heterosexual strippers for men





masculinities, liquidity, homophobia, gender, stripper


This paper details some findings identified during postdoctoral research, which sought to identify changes in masculinities, as well as to recognize what allows such modifications to take place. This inquiry was carried out in bars where men dance and undress (strippers) before an audience made up of men of sexual and affective diversity (homosexuals and bisexuals). In it, the displacements identified in the expression and materialization of the stripper gender were studied and analyzed. At the same time, spaces were identified where masculinity is transformed, the reasons why it is possible and the conditions that favor them. During the research, some changes in the masculinity of these men were recognized. The changes are carried out during the time that they are developing their work, both for the needs of the service and for the express requests of the clients.


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Author Biography

Oscar Emilio Laguna Maqueda, Executive Secretariat of the National Public Security System, Mexico City, Mexico.

Mexican. D. in Social Sciences, specializing in women and gender relations, from the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Xochimilco. Assigned to the National Information Center of the Executive Secretariat of the National Public Security System. Research interests: masculinities, sexual diversity, policies and budgets with a gender perspective, human rights.

E-mail: oscarlaguna1@gmail.com


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How to Cite

Laguna Maqueda, O. E. . (2023). Even if the branch bends, it returns to its place: : Changes in masculinities of heterosexual strippers for men. GénEroos. Journal of Research and Dissemination of Gender Studies., 1(2), 202–229. https://doi.org/10.53897/RevGenEr.2023.02.08



Research articles