Subaltern femininity in documentary cinema:

Making films from affectivity and equity




feminist documentary cinema, subalternity, feminism, cinema with social impact, affectivity


This article tackles on the following ques-tion: Does documentary cinema have a positive impact on the lives of women in subaltern conditions? Through history, this film genre has been characterized by relationships of power and domination between filmmakers and characters in front of camera. This has been especia-lly evident when talking about women who belong to minority groups such as LGBTTTIQ+, indigenous or Afro-descendant communities, women who are under economic precariousness or women who, due to different situations, live in contexts of vulnerability and marginali-zation. Accordingly, it is argued that the relationships of equity, empathy and affec-tivity from the production and creation of non-fiction cinema are fundamental elements so that these works can become tools that trigger transformations in the lives of femininities under condition of subalternity, generating benefits for them both at the individual level and at the social level. Therefore, the categories of Cine Transculturado and Cine Subalterno, proposed by Pritsch (2017), are taken up as a starting point from which agents in front and behind cameras can develop relationships of affectivity and equity. This essay takes Latin-American documentary films as examples, studying the affective relationships that were generated between filmmakers and characters during the pro-duction process, the positive impact of the films on the communities and the people portrayed in them, and the fundamental relationship between those elements.


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Author Biographies

Juan Carlos Bermudez Rodriguez, Autonomous University of the State of Morelos, Morelos, Mexico

Mexican. D. in art history from the Centro de Investigación y Docencia en Humanidades del Estado de Morelos (CIDHEM) - Today El Colegio de Morelos. Full-time research professor at the Faculty of Design of the Autonomous University of the State of Morelos (UAEM). Lines of research: image and cultural studies within the framework of complexity; expanded image, image convergence, knowledge communication. Member of the basic academic core in the doctorate and master's degree in image, art, culture and society (IMACS - UAEM).


Sara Manuela Duque Garcia, AS Media Professional Training Center, Puebla, Mexico

Colombian. Master in image, art, culture and society; PNPC-CONACYT postgraduate degree from the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos (UAEM). Professor at the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP), at the Centro de Formación Profesional ASMEDIA and at the Universidad Siglo XXI. Research interests: the representation of femininity in Latin American documentary cinema, women as filmmakers in Latin American documentary cinema.



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How to Cite

Bermudez Rodriguez, J. C., & Duque Garcia, S. M. (2024). Subaltern femininity in documentary cinema:: Making films from affectivity and equity. GénEroos. Journal of Research and Dissemination of Gender Studies., 2(3), 209–231.


